SOP 12b
- Associated Document 1: JRMO Governance Team sponsorship review for interventional studies [DOC 59KB]
- Associated Document 2: JRMO Sponsorship review proportionality document [PDF 131KB]
- Associated Document 3: Early engagement meeting tool [DOC 55KB]
- Associated Document 4: Clinical trials governance guidance [DOC 1,358KB]
- Associated Document 5: Sponsorship with conditions email template (Interventional and Research Studies) (Not a public document)
- Associated Document 6a: Queen Mary Declaration of Sponsorship letter (Interventional and Research Studies) (Not a public document)
- Associated Document 6b: Barts Health Declaration of Sponsorship letter (Interventional and research studies) (Not a public document)
- Associated Document 7: Confirmation of Sponsorship/Permission to activate sites template email (Not a public document)
The effective date of this SOP has been extended to April 2025.