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Joint Research Management Office

Lab services

All the laboratories used by the Trust have full Clinical Pathology Accreditation (CPA). Certificates are available from the JRMO.

Laboratory support for cancer studies

The cancer pharmacology group, within the Centre for Medical Oncology, has a strong background in clinical pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies, with both established and novel cytotoxic agents and analgesics.

The team includes research nurses for sample collection and laboratory scientists for immediate sample processing in the laboratory. This includes the separation of blood components for intracellular drug analysis or surrogate endpoint studies and the processing and storage of tumour cells for protein, RNA or DNA analysis.

Drug and metabolite analyses are supported by expertise in liquid-liquid and solid-phase extraction procedures, including automated extraction, and extensive high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) instrumentation with UV, fluorescence, diode-array and electrochemical detection.

All HPLC data analysis is carried out using industry-standard software. GC/MS and LC/MS/MS facilities are also available for high-sensitivity applications. These studies are conducted to GCLP standards, including the production of assay validation and final data reports and staff are accredited in the use of pharmacokinetic data analysis packages such as Kinetica and WinNonLin.

For further information, please contact Simon Joel, Honorary Senior Lecturer in Medical Oncology on 020 7601 8924 or by email: 


Our haematology department is a joint academic and service unit serving the local community in east London and patients from further afield.

The service work, which underpins the research and development, is nationally and internationally recognised, particularly in immuno-haematology and the investigation of haematological malignancies.

It provides a wide range of analytical processes and specialist services. The department is committed to continuing research and development in both service and research areas.

The department is unique as it accommodates all haematology specialist laboratories supported by clinical and scientific expertise under single management. General haematology and blood transfusion laboratories at The Royal London and St Bartholomew’s hospitals provide routine laboratory analysis on a continuous processing basis.

The range of specialist laboratories is listed below: 

Haemostasis and thrombosis laboratory

Supports the haemophilia unit with analysis of acquired and inherited disorders of bleeding and thrombophilia service.

Red cell laboratory

Provides expert analysis of haemoglobin disorders such as sickle cell anaemia and thalassaemias. Investigations of nutritional anaemia and red cell enzymes are also provided.

Immunophenotyping laboratory

Identifies haematology malignancies of leukaemias, lymphomas and myeloproliferative diseases.

Molecular laboratory

Provides investigations for haematological malignancies and thrombosis markers using molecular techniques and also participates in national research trials.

Stem cell laboratory

Provides analysis and manipulation of haematopoietic progenitor cell harvests for us in the treatment of malignant and other genetic disorders. 

For further information please contact Natalia Diaz-Burlinson, Laboratory Manager on 020 3246 0235.

Medical microbiology and virology

The division of infection provides a wide range of diagnostic services to hospitals and other health providers within northeast London. 

Increasingly, molecular techniques are being developed for pathogen identification. This shift in technical approaches has been embraced within the division to create a joint molecular diagnostics section for both virology and microbiology. This venture will facilitate the development of new diagnostic assays across both disciplines and provide the environment to conduct translational research. At present, the technologies being utilised are mainly nucleic acid amplification, with real-time quantitative PCR assays as standard.

Within virology, a strategic approach is to develop assays that can simultaneously test for a number of pathogens. A respiratory virus PCR has been successfully implemented into diagnostic service which can identify seven viruses commonly associated with respiratory infections including influenza. Recognition of the expertise available has led to the establishment of a Varicella-Zoster Virus Reference Laboratory which provides highly specialised services for users throughout the UK. This is a joint initiative with the Health Protection Agency (HPA) at Colindale, North London.

In medical microbiology, the department has particular expertise in researching MRSA and other hospital-acquired infections, backed by substantial funding from the Department of Health. Research is currently focusing on evaluating rapid detection techniques for MRSA, including the first research into bioluminescent technology. In addition, collaborations with statisticians at Queen Mary College have developed mathematical modelling techniques to predict the impact of infection control interventions.

For further information please contact the Virology Laboratory:  

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