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Joint Research Management Office

Patient Research Experience Survey (PRES)

Everyone I have interacted with has been fantastic. Someone has been at hand whenever I needed help or treatment. I have been given full visibility of what the trial will require / offer. I have a good idea of the next 2 years on the study which is reassuring” Gastroenterology study participant

Two men smiling and holding up Be Part of Research foam rubber hands.We are pleased to announce that Barts Health once again recorded the most survey responses for NIHR PRES in the CRN North Thames region in 2022/23, with a total of 513 against our target of 455. The feedback we gather from the survey shows us where we can make improvements, illustrating our commitment to continuously monitor our performance and improve the way we deliver research. Overall, our feedback this year was positive, as illustrated by some of these statistics from our participants’ research experiences:

  • 93% of participants felt that the information they received before taking part had prepared them for their experience on the study
  • 98% of participants said the research staff treated them with courtesy and respect,
  • 92% of participants who said they felt researchers valued their taking part in the research
  • Based on their experience, 89% of participants would consider taking part in research again

However, the responses also highlighted areas where we can improve. For example, only 67% of respondents said they know who to contact if they have any questions or concerns about the research, a markedly lower proportion than 89% from the previous campaign. We also received a lower score for patients being kept updated on the research (67% compared to 71% in 21/22). Similarly, less than half (49%) of patients said they knew how they will receive the results of the research, whereas 77% of people said they knew in last year’s results. These results will be used to shape our continuous improvement planning objectives.

Changes we have previously made in response to PRES:

  • Contacting patients by phone/in clinics and giving them the option to receive study information via their mode of conversation.
  • Offering virtual follow-ups for patients who travel further where possible, dependent on the relevant study protocol.
  • Improving the dissemination of research results using infographics and other formats, such as videos; ensuring we share study results with staff and patients in a more streamlined process across all studies.
  • Improving the visibility of research by ensuring that current information about relevant research is listed on the Barts Health website and made available in our clinics and waiting areas information about, for example. current clinical trials and trial result updates.

The Research Engagement Team coordinates the delivery of PRES. Last year this involved 12 research teams conducting studies across several medical specialties and trial units, including cancer research at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, the Adult Critical Care Unit, Diabetes, Gastroenterology, Trauma and Children’s Health.

Is your research team offering PRES to your study participants? All NIHR Portfolio researchers can offer the survey, which is vital to monitoring our performance and maintaining best practices. If you would like to find out more about PRES and how you can get involved, contact James and Neeta at

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