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Joint Research Management Office

Partnership development

Our ambition

Queen Mary is a global university where staff collaborate with international organisations all over the world, and the impact of our research is felt worldwide. Queen Mary set out in its Strategy 2030 to further develop the global Queen Mary family and footprint.

The International Team will build strategic partnerships with the very best universities and businesses overseas, further developing global policy relationships, and expanding and bringing greater coherence to our physical and virtual international footprint. ​​

With extensive funder and faculty specialism, the three Senior Partnerships Managers will manage the funding pipelines with strategic engagement with the UK and overseas funders; build a network of preferred partners and collaborators; plus initiate and co-ordinate large multidisciplinary bids across faculties in order to maximise Queen Mary’s international research incomes.

International Funding Opportunities

Further information about non-EU support can be accessed on the Non-EU Funding Portal (SharePoint),  and EU support can be accessed on the EU Funding & Pre-Award (SharePoint).

Individual team contacts can be found on the above SharePoint sites or the Contact Us page.

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