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Joint Research Management Office

NHS business development

The Research Development team works alongside the JRMO and the Research and Engagement Team to increase the number of research projects our patients can access across the Trust.

It is responsible for strategically identifying partnerships with pharmaceutical organisations, the local National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) research network, charities, academia and other NHS Trusts to develop Barts Health's research portfolio.

The Research Development Team identifies areas where new projects could take place, working with Trust sites to increase the number of staff undertaking research and to ensure that research is an active part of the core business in all clinical areas.

The team provides a wide range of strategic support including advising and assisting potential researchers and research teams on the feasibility of a proposal and facilitating discussions between them and a commercial sponsor.

Research Development core responsibilities include:

  • Understanding the capability and resources available to increase research activity across all divisions and sites;
  • Collaborating with external stakeholders to see Barts Health as the first site they approach for trials;
  • Working closely with the senior research leadership team across divisions and sites to develop cohesive and achievable strategic plans to increase the volume of projects and patients involved in research;
  • Marketing Barts Health to commercial research organisations;
  • Acting as a central point of contact if there are any issues relating to the development of research activity within a speciality;
  • Undertaking strategic analysis of research areas to identify potential areas of growth;
  • Performance monitoring on patient recruitment and number of staff actively involved in research; and
  • Liaising with the local NIHR research network to ensure that Barts Health accesses projects adopted on the NIHR research portfolio.

The team can be contacted as follows:

Please note that if you wish to discuss undertaking a particular piece of research you should contact the JRMO's Research Governance Team.

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