International pre-award
Costing and contracts
Four dedicated staff will maximise participation in EU and non-EU funding, coordinate competitive research bids, and ensure compliance with international regulations and funder requirements. They will act as key liaison points with external funders and partners, lead negotiations and prepare project contracts and budgets.
Further information about EU costing and contracts support can be accessed on the EU Funding Portal (SharePoint), and non-EU international costing and contracts support can be accessed on the Non-EU Funding & Pre-Award (SharePoint).
International Due Diligence
Due diligence is required to safeguard the interests of the Queen Mary University of London when undertaking research collaborations.
Research funders are increasingly asking universities to undertake a more thorough due diligence process when sub-awarding funds overseas (where funds will be passed through and managed by the Queen Mary University of London). The main aim of due diligence is to demonstrate that the Principal Investigators and the University have the assurance that international research partners can demonstrate their ability to deliver the proposed research and have appropriate governance and financial controls.
The due diligence questionnaire can be found below. For further information, please get in touch with the International Costing and Contracts team.
Due Diligence Questionnaire (SharePoint)
Individual team contacts can be found on the above SharePoint sites or the Contact Us page.